AEUS Fellow Spotlight

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Cristiana Baloescu, MD

Yale University School of Medicine

Ultrasound Interests: POCUS in Global Health, research in software applications designed to enhance ultrasound acquisition and interpretation for novices

Education: Dartmouth College, MD
Residency: Emergency Medicine, Yale University (2013-17)
Current Position: Point of Care Ultrasound Fellow in Yale Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Section, Advanced Professional MPH Candidate, Yale School of Public Health


  • Baloescu Cristiana, and Lemi Luu. "Ovarian Torsion in the Pediatric Population”. EM Resident (August 2015)
  • Baloescu Cristiana, and Rachel Liu. "Diagnose this condition". EM Resident (August 2017)

Fun Facts: Cristiana traveled the globe to spread her passion in ultrasound, such as teaching POCUS in Cairo, Egypt during the AFCEM 2016 conference and in Uganda targeting medical students. If she is not
 getting a graduate degree and conquering the world of ultrasound and technology, Cristiana also loves to feed people and cook meals sufficient for an army, while dabbling in jewelry design.

Favorite Song to Scan To?It would have to be “(I’m Having the) Time of My Life,”
 but there is no music allowed in the ED (not true Cristiana!) Instead, when I’m doing QA, I do like to rock out to the 80s, a classic era.

What’s in the Future? Aside from endeavoring in a two-year fellowship in Emergency Ultrasound and Masters degree, Cristiana will continue searching for opportunities to get involved in programs establishing and teaching ultrasound
 in global health settings as well as current research into a software program used to automatically calculate ejection fraction. She will ideally begin projects evaluating software for automatic detection of lung sliding and quantitative estimation
 of B-lines.

What Do You Do For Fun? I love to travel, on the occasion going back to Romania where I was born and bred and where my family resides. I have also made expeditions to Montenegro, Australia and Barbados in the last year. You can always
 find me on the lookout for adventurous trips to share with my dear husband. If not, then I’ll most likely be binge-watching Sci-Fi series and moves and wishing for a Light Saber.