Founded in 2009, the Academy of Administrators in Academic Emergency Medicine (AAAEM)  is a professional association for individuals managing the administrative and business functions of an academic department or division of emergency medicine. These academic units typically engage in activities related to patient care, education, and research mission, including the primary administration of an emergency medicine residency program.

The Mission of AAAEM is:

  • to advance the profession of individuals serving as administrators within emergency medicine academic programs;
  • to provide a forum for academic emergency medicine administrators to communicate, share ideas, and generate solutions to common problems;
  • to use education and research to influence public policy for the benefit of patients, medical student and resident education, emergency
  • to serve as a unified voice for academic emergency medicine administrators;
  • to foster the professional development and career satisfaction of academic emergency medicine administrators;
  • to foster research in emergency medicine operations and management; medicine physicians, and medical schools.

The key purposes for our Academy are to fulfill the following:

  • Create and maintain a SAEM Community (listserv) for academic emergency medicine administrators to disseminate information and querying their colleagues another for best practices.
  • Create and maintain an ongoing database of key metrics for benchmarking academic emergency medicine departments for use in planning, budgeting and other management/leadership purposes.
  • Use the benchmark data with our Chairs as a tool for strategic lobbying within our institutions for needed resources equal to our counterparts in other like emergency departments.
  • Advance the profession of individuals serving as administrators within academic emergency medicine departments through continued education and development of evaluative skill sets specific to emergency medicine- including but not limited to:  fte counts, time comparisons for length of stay, through put, admission data, evaluation and management statistics, billing statistics on vendors, satisfaction, coding, electronic medical records, border statistics, observation patients, patients per attending hour, etc., as well as variables which affect budgeting such as the use of mid-levels, residents and fellows.
  • Provide a forum for academic emergency medicine administrators to communicate, share ideas and generate solutions to problems.
  • Serve as a unified voice for academic emergency medicine administrators to our institutions’ leadership and within our own department.
  • Support the research, education and teaching missions of emergency medicine.
  • Lead through example by providing mentoring for faculty and administrative staff.  Provide up-to-date information for residents and faculty on documentation requirements and billing information.
  • Advise and assist chairs in emergency medicine to use sound business practices in organizing and running departments of emergency medicine.
  • Promote teamwork among faculty and administrative staff.
  • Maintain our end goal to support the provision of the highest level of quality patient care through evidenced based medicine.
  • Use of sound business practices and fiscal prudence to aid in decision-making and problem solving to improve the administrative performance of academic emergency medicine departments.
  • Partner with faculty in developing and implementing strategic plans for our specialty, our profession, and our departments.
  • Be ambassadors for the specialty of emergency medicine in our professional and personal lives. 


2022-2023 AAAEM Executive Committee


President: Amy Jameson, MPhil, MA, MBA 

President-Elect: David Christiansen, MBA

Treasurer: Becky McGowan, MBA

Secretary:  Jennifer Patton Muir, EdD, MBA

Immediate Past President: Kain Robbins

Members-at-Large: Steve Maxwell, MSM

Travis W. Schmitz, PhD, MBA

Staff Liaison:

Erin Campo